April 18, 2012 @ 8:35 AM


 Over the years, my Apprentices have taught me a lot. One of the first things I tell them after signing up for my program is that I do not expect them to practice herbalism the way I do...that we each approach plants and life with our own unique perspective and skills--no cookie cutter herbalists!! What a reward I have received. I have watched a good percentage of them go on to open their own herb related businesses, learned unexpected things by researching answers to their excellent questions, gained some lifelong friends, felt tremendous pride when watching them gain confidence.......and then, there are the gifts!! Apprentices have given me some pretty cool presents, but my favorites are when they say "Look what I made".

Some of their offerings were food based (one of my Advanced Apprenticeship requirements was that students bring an herbally inspired dish to pass--with recipes to class---what feasts we had!), some were products they decided to sell, some were weird experiments that turned out great and many were their own take on a medicinal recipe that  are better than most things on the market. So yesterday, as I battle off a recurrence of a sinus/bronchial infection, my own medicinal stores really depleted after treating so many with winter/spring maladies, I went digging and found some fantastic "gifts" given to me years ago. Last night, I slathered on some "Fire and Ice" (which rivals and improves upon the old favorite-Vick's Vapo Rub) on my chest and up my nose--leading me to a good night's sleep and feeling much better this morning. My head is a bit fuzzy and so I'm going to go take some Betony tincture and also use the shoulder/neck herbal pillow I keep in the freezer.

 You wonderful apprentices know who you are and some of you I haven't seen in years...but I think about you daily. Thank you all...on so many levels!