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~ Herb of the Year ~ > ARTEMISIA (genus) - Herb of the Year 2014


The International Herb Association has chosen the genus Artemisia as the featured plant for 2014. Usually, one plant is chosen, but the family of Artemisia is so varied, that one species could not be decided upon! Artemisias come in a huge variety of heights, colors, scents, textures and colors and are used ornamentally, ritually, for architectual landscaping, medicinally and for culinary purposes.
Artemisia annua--Sweet Annie, has been found to be very useful to control malaria. Mugwort used to be used to help beer head up and now used in Dream Pillows. Tarragon is a long time kitchen favorite. Wormwood is extremely bitter, but used to kill and expel worms and makes fantastic wreaths. This is an herb family you will want to know much more about!!
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